NEWS App aia - Using card view extension

Want to buy this AIA File ? Get it from me at 10 dollars : PayPal.Me
or Paytm / Whatsapp on 8744958220

Sample APK Link :

Hey guys ,
I developed this app using cardview extension.
Thanks to the developers of cardview extension and thunkable.
this app was developed using another app inventor clone. i posted it here coz it uses cardview extension and developers may get idea to use it.

Promo Video :slight_smile:

Here is the link to download the app. please rate the app if you guys find it useful :slight_smile:

Some screenshots of the app :


Good work.
You used Am i right ?

yep :slight_smile:

I love it, great work!

1 Like

how to make boomark…pls help me @Hitesh

book mark is also possible. i added it in the latest version of app. you can save the values of the news to the tinydb component and it will work as bookmark.


Great work
I want work same this apk but l do not know how ? :cry:

this app was developed using another app inventor clone …
which clone bro

How I’d you create dynamic cards for the news?

using cardview extension. news is available through newsorg api

1 Like

Have you had to your application “powered by”?

1 Like

Can you send me the extension and project file please at

Can you share the .aia file. I need to learn .

you can buy the aia file for 5 dollars :slight_smile: or paytm Rs 300 . @Allteach_BD

I am a beginner and I have no payment source to send u. I just want to learn how the webviewer works with newsapi

bro ihavent used webviewer. i used cardview extension for this.

Can you share a screenshot of block that how u load news ?

Of course he will not, as he said that the aia is for sale for 5 USD.
Therefore the question about screenshot is not relevant…
He will not give it for free… :wink:

Hello hitesh i want some similar project can u hlp me?

yah say man