I moved assets from Figma to Thunkable. In the web preview, the svg asset looked fine, but in the live test, it was not visible on Android version.(It looks fine on ios.) In a related article(SVG diplayed on preview but not on Ios - #7 by alex_ezacae), I saw that this should be a feature request. Is it possible to make a feature request as soon as possible? Or is there another way?
Looking forward to help, thanks.
Hi @enchongseofccsug, thanks for reaching out about this. This has been a known issue on our radar. Luckily, we are close to getting a fix for this pushed out into a upcoming release. I’ll be sure to keep you updated here when that release is out so that you can test this again and we can make sure your issue is solved.
Thank you!
@conroy, thank you so much for the quick reply. Do you have any idea what the release date will be? It’s because the deadline for the project I have to make into a Thunkable is set. Could it be released within this month?
That would be my hope but I cannot guarantee it!