[Superpost] Questions about Screen Orientation

Yes, that will be fixed, as well. Fortunately we will also be adding a feature that will enable you to lock a screen to portrait or landscape!



This is taking a little longer than we thought. It requires some underlying third-party software package updates updates and we’re hoping for it to get released within a week or two.


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Any news about the orientation?


Can a Thunkable representative confirm whether this is something that will be updated soon? I have apps that are near completion but I cannot publish them until I am able to lock them to portrait mode. Designing to work in both portrait and landscape is very difficult with these apps that have very specific functionality.

Is there a timeline for when this feature might come? Or at least an indication of whether or not is a high priority for the Thunkable team? Thanks!


Any chance of a reply from the devs on this issue? It’s a major stumbling block for app release.

I can be mistaken, but I think that the implementation of this functionality is not a priority and I have not seen its announcement anywhere.

Can you talk a little more about why the design of the interface for both modes is difficult in your case?

I am designing a companion fitness app for a personal training program, and several of the features (such as charts displayed for metrics tracking) contain images that are taller than they are wide. Having the app set to portrait only allows these to display entirely on the screen at a readable size, rather than having users scroll to reveal the image (never seeing the whole image at once) or squeezing it into a smaller size in the center of the screen (with lots of ugly wasted space on either side).

I am also trying to maximize compatibility with the iPhone X since the trainer I am developing the app for uses that particular device. There is already a large unused portion of screen at top and bottom in portrait, and the problem is compounded in landscape, as the left and right edges are unused and an extra portion of the bottom of the screen is also reserved for the home bar. See screenshot:

I have not seen the devs specifically say this is a priority, but I have seen (although I cannot find it at the moment) at least one admin address that is an issue they are looking at.

You are right, viewing the vertical image in landscape mode is inconvenient.

Now we have such a solution. We can use the web server or database to determine the current screen size. If it is rotated, the width will be greater than the height and this is the landscape mode. In this case, you can show the user a message that the application is optimized for viewing in portrait mode. But I do not know how Apple will treat this restriction when checking the application.

But you can leave it as it is. An experienced user will see the interface and guess that it is better to view in portrait mode. He can either turn the phone into portrait mode, or lock it on his device himself.

Or, based on the resulting screen sizes, make a separate version for the landscape. This is really a problem, since not all properties have blocks and an interface, most likely, they will have to be created separately for the landscape mode.

I too want to lock the screen into portrait. I am converting an app I wrote for the Android with MIT app inventor which displays changing colors and rainbows in a confined box of an exact size definable by the user for the purpose of lighting up an acrylic sign placed upon the phone or tablet. My program should be able to be locked into portrait mode.
I do not believe the workaround in the previous e-mail is satisfactory.

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I am also waiting to be able to lock the app to landscape…
It is very difficoult to desing a landscape app with the portrait design.

We are currently working on adding support for changing the screen orientation, as well as supporting user rotation of the device. It requires some underlying third-party software package updates updates and we’re hoping for it to get released within a week or two.



Any word on Landscape orientation since June?

A while ago we had some internal controversy about exactly how to expose this capability and we never got around to settling it. I’ll try and get us back on track with this.

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Sorry for the delay on this. We have someone looking into this, but holidays and vacations have delayed it. Hopefully, we should have it sometime in February.



Am I right in thinking there’s no landscape support in iOS? It used to work (sometimes)… now, it seems like it never works at all to rotate my device.

I see that there’s a “Rotate” transform option on the screen, but that just rotates the contents of the screen object itself. (That is, the device clock, battery icon, and so on are still off to the left side of the screen).

If this is actually true, there really ought to be a big disclaimer on page one of your site: NO IOS LANDSCAPE. It’s a deal killer. Instead, that bit of information is entirely absent.

Actually, I feel that the disclaimer that’s missing is: “the cross-platform api is in alpha stage, use with caution”.
I have to say they did a good job of porting App inventor (which is what it seems they did), but I feel that it’s too early to call this cross-platform version anything more than a beta (I’d say still alpha, but to call this a production product is waay too much).
(I can’t tell from Android perspective, I’m only trying to use this on iOS)

We are currently working on adding support for changing the screen orientation, as well as supporting user rotation of the device. It requires some underlying third-party software package updates updates and we’re hoping for it to get released within a week or two.



sorry but I do not find “Set Orientation” feature … where I can find it? (also the blocks)

Many thanks

Hi there,
this feature is upcoming.


I am having a slight workaround by changing the element orientation. Such as in this example

this was accomplished through this setting

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