Summer Hackathon #2 -- $500 Prize

Hello @domhnallohanlon thanks for your reply. Can we get
1.Activity Starter
2.Video Player
3.HTML text supported Labels/buttons.

It could become a bussiness


  1. You can use the open link block for most common apps - what activity are your trying to start? Email??

  2. We’re adding extended video support to the WebViewer at the moment

  3. I believe this is in the pipeline at the moment too!

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No, I’m actually trying to make a app which includes UPI payment gateway. I’m trying to do this

Is it somehow possible now ?

Thanks for clarifying.

Since this is an Android-only component it’s unlikely that this will be added to cross-platform any time soon I think.

We have specifically developed the Payments component so that it can be used on both iOS and Android to accept payments for users. Have you considered using something like this?


Thanks… I will try to use it in my project

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no this time it is until july 31