Storing user's input data into a google spreadsheet?

I’m trying to store the inputted data to store in google after user clicks submit button, watched some YouTube videos but most of them are 3-4 years old and since the platform has updated a lot, So those videos are not helpful. Can someone help me in the blocks section. the inputs are name, number, email and password.

Thanks in advance.

If you Google data sources Thunkable, the first result is the current documentation that includes links to Google Sheets and other databases: Data Sources | Thunkable Docs. And actually, I think this url might be more helpful for you: Data Sources Blocks | Thunkable Docs.

Edit: Surprisingly, that documentation does not show a straightforward way to create a row in a Google Sheet!

You would use the Create Row block and add a text input’s text block for each value in that block, something like this:

tried this but still no input has occurred

these are my blocks and spreadsheet

You might need to re-sync your data source in the Design tab. That’s an important step if you add/remove a column or rename a column.

Are you able to get a value from your data source and display it in a label? Are you using a personal (non-work) Google account?

how do i re-sync my data source

i re-synced it just now and still np input has occurred, there is also a login page which reuses the inputted data to allow app access, since both the sign up and login pages use the same spreadsheet does this issue occur?

any other method to do this? thanks for replying

After re-syncing, try dragging a new Get Value block to see if you can display a cell’s value in a label.