Store whole Google sheet in stored variable?

I’m brainstorming on ways to add multiple languages to a Thunkable app, with the restriction that the app has to work mostly offline.

The latest idea was to try and use a Google sheet for this. Each row on
this sheet would contain the text for each textfield in the app, which each column being a different language. So A1 would be textfield 1’s English text, while A2 would be the same text but in German, and so on.

Since the app would need to work offline, I’m looking for a way to either download the whole Google sheet, or to assign the whole sheet to a stored variable, so that I could then extract the various bits of text from that stored variable.

I’ve taken a look at the Data Field related blocks as well as the download file blocks… but I can’t figure out if what I have in mind is possible. Anyone got any ideas or experience?

Hello @Machinimush
If your app has to work offline why you don’t use a local data source?

@ioannis Yeah sorry, I think I didn’t explain it well enough. The app itself would need to work offline, but at the same time one of the requests is that our client wants to be able to expand with extra languages.

I’m thinking upon first use the Google sheet would get loaded into a stored variable, from which the app then gets all the textfield contents. If and when the client then updates the Google sheet, the app could then load the sheet again, overwriting the stored variable with the new version of the sheet.

Of course, that all hinges on the question whether or not it’s possible to load the Google sheet and somehow save it on the device running the app.