Still struggling to find a way to update IOS Agenda with the info contained in Thunkable

The solution of muneer work fine for Android , I can easily reach the google calendar and update the callendar with the informations contained in Thunkable, but I need also to update the calendar from the IOS users.(without google account)

For this I have install the packet “swift-5.5-RELEASE-windows10” , the installation was fine but I had some problems to build and run a simple programme using visual studio /of code .

I have downgrade to the version “SwiftForWindows-2.0” , the result was the same .

I have look to Xcode , but Xcode run under Mac . I don’t want to make a virtual Mac on my windows 10 PC.

Is there some one with a idea how I can modify the calendar from a IOS phone with the event / date/time that I have into Thunkable ?
What are the software tools I should use ?( all ideas are welcome)

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If this is related to an existing topic, please post this new information there. It’s really confusing to try and help someone when suggestions have already been given/tried and those details are not attached to this question.

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