Speech Recognizer Causes app to freeze

The speech recognizer causes my app to crash on Thunkable Live and downloaded to my iOS device. It freezes before it says what the error was.

due to a lot of sceens?

I do have a lot of screens. Is there a known cap to how many screens I can have while having a working speech recognizer? Does it depend on the device?

An app can freeze/crash for a variety of reasons. Can you post a screenshot of the blocks you’re using for speech recognition?

Hi, I am.also facing the same issue. My app works on Android but on iPhone, it crashes the moment I click on speech… it crashes with this message

Can someone please advice?

When you ask for help on the forums, make sure to include screenshots of the blocks you’re using and/or a link to the project.

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Following to my post,sharing the screenshot
The speech recognizer works well on android device but crashes the moment i click on button 4 in iOS.

(I tried on my uncle’s iPhone 12 pro max)

I am a Grade 4 student from India, please let me know if i am not sharing enough information on my post.

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As a good coding practice, avoid assigning values to variables / labels before actually checking the error value. If there is an error then show it to the user and avoid running the rest of the codes.

See this example

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