Speech recognision to check user's pronunciation

hi guys I need to add a function to my app where the user will be able to say aloud a text provided by an app and the app should check if the pronunciation is right and where there are mistakes. Is this possible? and how can I do it?

Hi @kochtgrw
the first thing that comes to my mind is to do something like this:

Set a Speech to Text component
If the value from the voice is the same of the text you have, it leads to a “well done page”
If not the app can check word by word.

Before saying more, what i suggest you is to read this topic:
How to ask Great Questions v2.0 - Learn About the Thunkable Community - Community

I’m sure you’ll get more specific help once shown your ideas through blocks

If you can find an API to do this, you can most likely implement it in Thunkable but it’s not a built-in feature for Thunkable to be able to evaluate spoken pronunciation.