Something went wrong when we tried to publish your app

I got this error while trying to publis the app to apple store:
Something went wrong when we tried to publish your app.

Here are the details:

There is something wrong with the iOS build/publish. Please contact customer service with the reference ID.

Reference ID: 440575f2-306d-4a05-8959-bf45b6e098ec

We didnt get this error when publishing the app previously. Can somebody help please?

Hi @pmginvestda6z, thanks for reaching out. This error is not anything you have done wrong, we are currently experiencing an issue with Apple that can cause some builds to fail. Our publishing team is currently working to alleviate the issue.

I will keep you updated here as we learn more and when the issue is solved. Thanks for your patience!

Thank you for your answer, I hope the this will be solved soon since we need to publish the app and we have paid both you and apple in order to do this.

Could you try the build again? It should be working now. Thanks!

Ok I try now,



Hi Matt,

Is this issue still happening? I published my app about a week ago and now I am trying to publish and update, but I am getting this same message.