Something has gone wrong. Check your blocks and reset this page. Error

Something interesting has been going on when I use the Thunkable Live App to view a project that has worked fine for almost 2 years. I get the “Something has gone wrong. Check your blocks and reset this page” Error. But I only get this error message when using an Android device. When I use an iOS device everything works fine. Anyone have an idea of what I should look for to fix this? Sidenote: If I download my project’s Android apk and install it on my device I still get the error messages.

Hi @bedgepsnq, would you be able to share a copy of your project here? That will help us to better diagnose what may be going on.

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Hey @bedgepsnq, thanks for sending this over. I’ve not had any issues testing your app out (it’s very impressive, btw!). It’s been working fine for me in Thunkable Live - Android but I have had issues with the splash screen loading again and hanging when I try and click on the following tabs:

  • Find Axis Tilt
  • Add Ball to My Bag

Is there something in common with those two screens only? A data source? API call? Are you able to do anything at all in your app before it crashes?

No, there is nothing in common with the 2 screens except for being in the Drawer Navigation. I started working on an update in October, which is nothing more than changing some of the graphics used on other screens. This is when this problem started. Everything works fine except when you select these 2 screens in the Navigation Menu. I don’t have the splash screen loading again when I click the 2 screen tabs in question, I get the “Something has gone wrong error”. Before October the app worked perfectly in Thunkable Live.

Another weird thing is happening with Thunkable Live on my iOS device. A completely different app that I’m developing is having problems with some buttons. The Navigation Tabs work fine but all of the buttons in the app don’t work on iOS in the Thunkable app but work perfectly fine on my Android device. This app is at Thunkable

@conroy33 I found the problem with my situation. It is in the text input fields. Specifically, if I leave the “Hint” undefined or empty it caused the error message.

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Hmm, that is interesting. I’m probably missing something but if you leave that Hint field blank, it should just not populate anything in in the HTML for Placeholder. Are you having to always put something in there, like a space?

It would seem so. I went back thru the app and every screen that was giving me the error message had an input text HINT field that was undefined. I entered a hint in each one and everything works perfectly.

@conroy33 In the same app, when using Thunkable Live on an iPhone 7, some of the buttons do not work.
Specifically on the following screens.
My Bag Screen: Add New Ball Button does not take user to the Add Ball to My Bag screen. Also clicking on an item in the saved list does not take user to the “Ball” screen.
Add Ball to My Bag Screen: Clear button does not take user back to the “My Bag” screen.
Session Notes Screen: Add New Session Note button does not take user to the “Add Session Notes” screen.
Add Session Notes Screen: Save the Note button and Cancel button do not take the user back to the “Session Notes” screen.

This is only happening with iOS, everything works fine in Android. Any thoughts on where I should look?

It’d be hard to tell what is going specifically, especially with an older model phone like the iPhone 7. What is the version of Thunkable Live you are running on that device? What version of iOS are you running on the phone? I think Apple stopped updating anything beyond iOS 15.5 with the 7 and 7 Plus.