[Solved] Where is the LocationChanged event?


I’m trying to use the LocationSensor in a test app I’m making to evaluate Thunkable.

Basically the app will display a map which is centered, and sized at 50% x 50% of the screen. And show some text beneath the map. This part of the app I managed to make without problems.

I added a LocationSensor and from that I read the current location and write that to the map using the “when(Screen1) opens” event. This also works fine.

But now I want the map to move when I move and reflect my current location at all times. I expected the LocationSensor to have something like a LocationChanged event or similar but it doesn’t. In fact it has no events whatsoever, only properties.

So how am I supposed to get notified and update the map as the user moves?

Michael Berg

Sooooooo I think I have an idea about what might be wrong here.

It seems there are (at least) two versions of Thunkable. One which is cross platform an another which is Android only. There might be an iOS version as well, haven’t seen or tried that yet though.

The Android only version is what they call Thunkable Classic for some reason. And it has its own designer with many, many more components to pick from. Nice but confusing I have to admit. Two different pieces of documentation for each kind of component means you get sidetracked quite a bit. Also why is it that in compatibility mode the locationsensor doesn’t have a locationchanged? Is that not supported on iOS?

There are also two different apps for this. One which is cross platform and another which is android only. Apparently one needs both of these apps and they don’t run eachothers live preview. I would think that on Android you would only need one app for the cross platform code and the android specific code but oh well.

Don’t mean to sound grumpy just a few thoughts from a new user :slight_smile: Still need help with the location sensor. It keeps returning hasLatLong=false (with provider gps).

  • Michael

Thunkable X is a completely new and rebuilt platform that allows to build one app for Android and iOS at the same time. It has pretty nothing in common with how the old one worked except maybe the blocks interface and drag&drop function.

The old version was therefor renamed to „classic“ since it was what Thunkable started with but it will also be discontinued. Since the old platform was based on App Inventor by MIT there were already many users/plugins and features available. X is not that old and built from scratch so it does not yet have the same amount of components - also some are just not possible because of iOS restrictions. While I am not always agreeing with the way X is developed - specially to the order of newly added components (because I feel that they partly put to much effort in new components instead of making existing work really well) I must also say that compared to the start of the iOS/X (which is btw the same) version it by now contains many features already and alltough I still miss some basic functionality I would recommend you to learn and go with X because 1) you won’t be able to publish your app to iOS any time later if built with Classic 2) Classic will be discontinued 3) Thunkable X is getting better with every update.

If you experience a problem it is always helpful to share a copy of your blocks and/or a link to the project.

Best, Chris