[Solved] webviewer and image components not autoencoding URL's to produce fancy charts

Hello all,

I am attempting to make a ‘get’ call using the webviewer. at the bottom you will see the encoded url i am using. when i insert this as the url in the design screen, the result appears on the design screen, working as expected. Howver, when i try the app in live preview and on my phone,i get no response.

I don’t even need the encoding until I throw in the callback function at the end to modify the tickmark labels. It’s weird.
image component also doesnt do this. does anybody have any suggestions?

the two url’s below are the same, btw

  type: 'line',
  data: {
    labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May'],
    datasets: [
      	label: 'Corrects',
      	data: [ 10, 60, 70, 180, 190 ], 
	fill: false,
    	  label: 'Incorrects',
     	 data: [ .10, 20, 30, 40, 50 ], 
	fill: false, 
	borderColor: 'purple'
  options: {
    	title: {
     	 display: true,
      	text: 'SAFMEDS',
      	fontColor: 'blue',
      	fontSize: 32,
    	legend: {
      	position: 'bottom',
    	scales: {
      	yAxes: [{ type: 'logarithmic', 
        	ticks: {
        	autoSkip: false,
        	min:.001, max: 1000,
        	callback: function (value, index, values) {
            if( value==.001 || value==.01 || value==.1 || value==1 || value==10 || value==100 || value==1000){
            return value + ' per minute';
            }, }


giphy (9)

Here is what they look like without the callback function. It’s messy.

Got it!
I will post my solution for this later. This is what that garbled mess above produces.

compared to this one. The second is way better (minus that purple background I haven’t changed back yet :joy_cat::joy_cat:IMO.


Step 1: design the chart Here

Step 2: take your code and put it in the text editor

Step 3: identify where you need to insert text for labels and Boolean data values to draw the chart with

Step 4 encode everything after https://quickchart.io/chart?width=300&height=200bkg=white&c= at this website

Step 5 insert your data where needed using the join text blocks

Step 6 : if your inserted text included any special characters, encode them as shown in the example above

Voila, your fancy chart or other