I am using the quickchart.io qr generator so that I may send an image of the qr code generated during chart creation so instead of sending a long comliacated URL, i send just the image.
you will see on screen 2, the URL for the webviewer has some actual chart configurations I am trying to shorten. That will give you an example of why i need this services so badly. I cant send that URL to anyone and have it easily direct them to anything.
Can anyone help me with this API POST call? Here is what i have done so far
i think I am doing it right, but I would love a second pair of eyes. I have contacted the quickcharts admin and he let me know the service is working, just not for me due to the way I am forming the POST call
when it works, as shown by the site, the url looks like this
and produces a chart like this
While I haven’t managed to make this work with just blocks yet, if you add the header Content-Type:application/json to the Web API component in the Design tab, you will be able to make a successful API POST.
We’re going to look into whether there is something affecting the performance of the ‘set Headers’ block.
Could you share a link back with me showing that working? I did as you stated and took it out of the blocks and placed it into the design tab with no success. I get ‘failed to fetch’
Hey Jane! I got it figured out. For some reason, this works perfectly on my phone but not my browser.
Thank you soooooooo much. No more encoding URL’s for these dang charts!