[Solved] The images in my app "flicker" at timer time

Good morning,
the images that I inserted in my app “flicker” at timer time.
The timer is working in the block editor with the buttons.
The images are only in the drawing editor, no block concerns them.
Maybe they are too heavy, are there recommended size and resolution?
I’m using Gimp.

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Hi @iaia,

Are you live testing or installing? If live testing, please try installing your app and see if the issue persists.

Otherwise, can you share your timer blocks with us please?


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This is a very old problem. Instead of Image, use a Column with a background image.


Translated with Google
Sorry, since you have the staff badge I can ask you at what address you interact “with the app”.
I wrote to billing@thunkable.com which is the only one that appears in my account, but they didn’t even answer me to give me the right address.
In reference to my previous question
Prevent erase data and clear cache

3 posts were split to a new topic: Are Lottie animations “flickering”?