[SOLVED] Switch coponent color, web preview and Live test on device

When I use the ‘switch’ component, it works fine in the web preview. But when I test it on my phone the colors don’t change.
Even with the default switch and no blocks attached, there is a difference.


I can confirm this bug: Colors in stored variables - #18 by tatiang

Hello @frederikdeclercq44o1 and @tatiang
Thank you for taking the time to investigate and provide all the information.
We have flagged it to our engineering team and will provide an update as soon as possible.


Hello @frederikdeclercq44o1
We were able to identify the root cause, develop a fix, and release it to production so everything should be working as normal again for you now.

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Hello , I got the same error.
Works good in web preview but doesn’t work in live test and on device with apk.

Hello @Goldking Welcome back to the community.
Could you please try to delete the existing switch component and add a new one?
Probably this will solve the issue.

I will try :muscle:t2: and report

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Nothing, it works only in the web preview.
I didn’t test it on mobile with apk