[SOLVED] Push notification Onesignal

Hello everyone,

Is anyone having problems with push notifications using OneSignal recently?
I have a functional app, but it is not retrieving the user ID required to send the push notification at the moment. The problem started yesterday, and until now, I have not found a solution for the described problem.

Any help will be valuable.


Hello @claudia.barrias.22r5
At the moment there is an issue with the “push notification user id” block

We have successfully identified the root cause and created a solution. Currently, we are in the process of testing it and working on a plan to release it in production, ensuring that everything will function as usual.
I will provide an update as soon as possible.

Thanks @ioannis

Can you give me an estimate of when it is expected to be released?
I am asking this to decide if I have time to wait for the new solution as I have a deadline for this project :upside_down_face:

Hello @claudia.barrias.22r5 :wave:
Sorry for the trouble caused by this.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a specific date but it will not be earlier than the middle of the next week.

Thank you @ioannis

Is there a specific area or place in the forum where we can follow the progress and be notified when the situation is solved?

Same with me, My App is Crashing when Onesignal API with User ID Parameter is Called.

Hello @claudia.barrias.22r5
I will send an update on this community post and tag you

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Is there any UPDATE?
I have. to Release my App’s new Update ASAP, this One Signal Issue is Blocking me to do that, please Resolve it.

Hi @claudia.barrias.22r5 @pacecode , thank you again for your patience. I would like to let you know that we have now officially released a fix for this bug.

Please keep in mind that you may need to do a hard refresh of your browser for the changes to take effect in your project. If your downloaded or published app is affected by this bug, you will need to re-download or re-publish your app for these changes to take effect.

Hi @ioannis
Thanks for sharing.
Can we use the same blocks as before, or has something changed?

Hello @claudia.barrias.22r5
You can use the same block. Nothing has been changed.

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When compiling the application, the player id now works, but in thunkable live it still appears “undefined”

Hello @dgasparottillg1
Glad that is working for you now.
Updating the Thunkable Live app will take a bit longer.
Please download/publish your app to properly test push notifications