[Solved] JSON is killing me

I’m trying to read from a book api (openlibrary.org/api) with no luck.

Here’s my blocks:

and here is the JSON i’m trying to read:

{“ISBN:9780980200447”: {“publishers”: [{“name”: “Litwin Books”}], “pagination”: “80p.”, “identifiers”: {“google”: [“4LQU1YwhY6kC”], “lccn”: [“2008054742”], “openlibrary”: [“OL22853304M”], “isbn_13”: [“9780980200447”, “9781936117369”], “amazon”: [“098020044X”], “isbn_10”: [“1936117363”], “oclc”: [“297222669”], “librarything”: [“8071257”], “goodreads”: [“6383507”]}, “table_of_contents”: [{“title”: “The personal nature of slow reading”, “label”: “”, “pagenum”: “”, “level”: 0}, {“title”: “Slow reading in an information ecology”, “label”: “”, “pagenum”: “”, “level”: 0}, {“title”: “The slow movement and slow reading”, “label”: “”, “pagenum”: “”, “level”: 0}, {“title”: “The psychology of slow reading”, “label”: “”, “pagenum”: “”, “level”: 0}, {“title”: “The practice of slow reading.”, “label”: “”, “pagenum”: “”, “level”: 0}], “links”: [{“url”: “http://johnmiedema.ca”, “title”: “Author’s Website”}, {“url”: “http://litwinbooks.com/slowreading-ch2.php”, “title”: “Chapter 2”}, {“url”: “Powell’s Books | The World’s Largest Independent Bookstore”, “title”: “Get the e-book”}], “weight”: “1 grams”, “title”: “Slow reading”, “url”: “Slow reading (March 2009 edition) | Open Library”, “classifications”: {“dewey_decimal_class”: [“028/.9”], “lc_classifications”: [“Z1003 .M58 2009”]}, “notes”: “Includes bibliographical references and index.”, “number_of_pages”: 92, “cover”: {“small”: “https://covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/5546156-S.jpg”, “large”: “https://covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/5546156-L.jpg”, “medium”: “https://covers.openlibrary.org/b/id/5546156-M.jpg”}, “subjects”: [{“url”: “Books and reading | Open Library”, “name”: “Books and reading”}, {“url”: “In library | Open Library”, “name”: “In library”}, {“url”: “Reading | Open Library”, “name”: “Reading”}], “publish_date”: “March 2009”, “key”: “/books/OL22853304M”, “authors”: [{“url”: “John Miedema | Open Library”, “name”: “John Miedema”}], “by_statement”: “by John Miedema.”, “publish_places”: [{“name”: “Duluth, Minn”}], “ebooks”: [{“checkedout”: false, “formats”: {}, “preview_url”: “Slow reading : John Miedema : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive”, “borrow_url”: “https://openlibrary.org/books/OL22853304M/Slow_reading/borrow”, “availability”: “borrow”}]}}

Specifically, I’m just trying to get the “Litwin Books” but not getting anything other than “undefined”.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



Hi Doug! :wave:

JSON is killing me

I’m here to save you :wink: :laughing:

So, I took yr given JSON, validated it using a online validator, and got this -

Do you notice the [ & ] brackets?
They say that the item is a list.

So, the boss item is ISBN, inside it is publishers, then publisher’s one & only item is “(blank)”.

To get Meow, we should go like this -

Hope I helped you! :smiley_cat:
Thanks! :blush:


You’re a rock star! Thanks very much!



Thanks! :smile: