[Solved] Is there some reason why my blocks might start to lag?

Hi @Mark , many thanks for correcting slowness . But the fix has spawned another problem, perhaps users have not yet noticed. The problem now is that connectivity only works if WIFI is connected, the application loses connectivity if it is using data connection.
Repeating: compiled applications that need connectivity are only working on WIFI and do not work on data connection.

Please @kartik_old @kartik14, @pgbowers , and other, please test something that requires connectivity (WEBAPI) and you will see that it only works if WIFI is active. In data connection mode the app loses connectivity.

My application uses connectivity 100% of the time and it only works on the WIFI, if I put in data connection mode it loses connectivity.

PS. Now this problem hits the companion(android tested) too.


My apologies @mark, @jane and all oders, all problems have been fixed and very well corrected. The problem I reported above is probably some imcompatibility with some other application that I will still debug and find out. Thanks so much to all the support team, that at no time ran away from the problem. Congratulations to all of you.


I am seeing some improvement however, the back button still doesn’t take me from a secondary screen to the home screen on Android. Is anyone else experiencing the same issue?


I realized that too. I thought it was great that the button did not work.
I believe it is an improvement.

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I fail to see your point. Unless it is a documented change, it is a bug. Plus, it works fine in the live preview app so it should work in the complied APK.


Yes… The back button is still not working.

We may try using StackNavigator’s inbuilt back button. It will also solve the problem for : I need to close every opened screen for closing the app…
StackNavigator stacks screens that’s why we need to click only the back to go to the previous/last screen.

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Hey @Mark, has the Thunkable team managed to identify the pending issues?



@Deluxe, This thread is about the slowdown in APKs. Could you please file a bug here, describing your problem and ideally providing a link to a simple app which demonstrates the problem?

Thanks in advance.


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@Mark done: https://github.com/thunkable/thunkable-issues/issues/184



This is the same lag that a lot of users are experiencing. But now it is causing weird stuff like this.

I don’t even know what to do when my project exceeds a certain amount of blocks. I am currently on 800 or so blocks, and to place a block it takes 7 seconds or so. Can you please prioritise an update of some sort to fix this? I think it is to do with compiling the app.



ignore how the variables and blocks are placed, i promise they have different tags :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi there,
You can try to collapse the block,let it short well,and may no longer lag.

what do you mean collapse the block?

Hi there,
I meant this one

does collapsing blocks reduce lag though?

I think it would, cause it will no longer used many of the area if you try to do this.

I think it is to do with compiling

BTW, were you lag in app or lag in Thunkable X Blocks station? :thinking::thinking:

In thunkable builder, so on my desktop. And trust me on the fact that its not my computer. :stuck_out_tongue:

So try to delete some you think that is useless or no longer to use visible / hidden components either try to reduce some long blocks with function block to save :slight_smile:

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