[Solved] Is there some reason why my blocks might start to lag?

@User81 @actech @AcrobatEpee @awuser @funhall @samclever @Deluxe @Ionut_Ilie @ANAND_VELANDY @kyle_Williams @Urban @CBVG @kartik14 @BlueWhaleYT @Extremus_Data_Protec @pgbowers @eoinparkinson @Ygor_Bittencourt @maxb @Daniel_Coglitore @48d7b0bab98fa9cfafb8 @Boban_Stojmenovic @friskyapple @junjoseph @bhandarkaracademy @Hayder @MartinP @Carlos_Escobar @prasaddhandayal19723 @bymaho @tatiang @sheelaprasad9451rhkt @james_olarve @Abdelrahman1 @Imran_Pinjara @danyklein @sysads @11131 @Nico_Marikucza @peacehero @jared

The latest release of Thunkable X has an update that should dramatically improve blocks performance.

To ensure you are on the latest version, please hard refresh your browser.

It would be great if you could test with some of your larger projects and give us some feedback on your initial experience.

We did quite a bit of internal testing, but as you can image there are a huge number of possible block combinations so if you spot something - get in touch.

Also, if you like the update, feel free to let us know too! :joy: