[Solved] I can't put Admob interstitial in my app

Do you know how to fix this?

Hey @thitipiyanuchitpremp - I should be able to reset this for you.

Can you send me your project link please?




I have two of them one original the other is a copy can you reset them both?

They’re copy links - I need the project link.

Feel free to PM this to me if you’d rather not share publicly.



How can I send project link?


This one?

Yep, that’s the one.

I’ve reset that counter for you there now so it should be working for you again now.

Thanks you so much.Is there other way to contact you?Do you have WhatsApp or Facebook?

If you’re monetising your app then you can reach out directly to our dedicated AdMob support team.

The best place, however, for general feedback about using Thunkable is right here in the Thunkable Community. There are over 300,000 Thunkable users here who can guide your on pretty much any Thunkable-related topic you can imagine.
