[Solved] How can I Use a stored variable as Url? And How can I Save cloud variables?

I need to Uso a text input to save as a variable a link that will write the user, then save it in cloud variable or stored variable and the use it in a different screen with a Web Viewer Thanks!

Hi, @Leito! :wave:

To send data from 1 screen to another, refer to this tutorial I made previously -

Thanks! :blush:


How can I connect the local storage to a list viewer?

What do you want to achieve?
More clearly, can you explain more on this? Like what do you want to do…

Thanks! :blush:

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I need the user could save specific links in a Listviewer and clicking them, go to another screen and open that link in a web viewer

It means that you want to transfer the selected item on screen1 to a web-viewer on screen2


If so, try these blocks on screen1 -


And these on screen2 -


Thanks! :blush:


Thanks you very Much!!!



how to make agenda screen as public page? mean using cloud variable then every one can see it.