[Solved] FIREBASE-Thunkable - [object,Object] error



the above pics show my code to save values in firebase for a polling app

this picture(4) is where when i need to get values on a different screen.
when i run this, the pic4 output gives [Object,object]


and below is my firebase chart

pls help me with this…would be happy to share any information required otherthan these :slight_smile:

Your results are objects. Read Objects - âś• Docs for details on how to handle them

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This means the value returned is in a form of object. You need to use a component in the object drawer called “generate JSON from object” to see the content of the value.

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Thanks a lot @drted and @muneer

i found my mistake, i didnt specify the correct directory, as in firebase the values always get overwrited witht he latest ones…And btw i was able to do it without using JSON at all…thanks for respnding :slight_smile:

modified this path

thanks again

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