[Solved] Creating a timed alert with no buttons

How do I create an alert with no buttons, which disappears after a preset time?

Thanks all.

@grant.mccallum, I will develop something to share soon.

Thanks Emlee

@grant.mccallum, I have came up with a simple timer.
Please read the entire post carefully, before replying!

You can modify the timer’s seconds by going into the “Timer” section in blocks :arrow_down:.

You can preview the timer here: Thunkable - Project

You can copy the project, and then save the screen, to put it in your project and modify it all you want.

Learn how to save the screen here: Save and Reuse Screens - Thunkable Docs

I have made it, so the timer starts after 5 seconds, and then the timer is a 10 second timer, which goes off after 10 seconds, no buttons. (Look at the Blocks in the project to understand).

The alarm sound will stop within a few seconds after the alarm goes off, so no buttons needed, I did add some, just for testing purposes but you can delete them, and the timer will still work.

*Note, that this is a very simple timer. A more complicated one, will be a little more challenging.