[Solved] Bold font will display as Default in Thunkable Live (Android)

I would like to address a bug where if i select any font other than default and make it bold, in Thunkable Live it always displays the DEFAULT FONT in bolded manner. It wont display the font i selected in bold form.

I have tested this on Android only. Please can someone have a look at this and confirm if they are having the same issue?
Thank you.


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@varunkadapatti Yes, I just tested this myself and am seeing the same thing. Allow me some time to take a closer look and see what might be able to be done here.

Thanks for flagging this!

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Thank you very much!

Hello. Is there any update regarding this issue?

@varunkadapatti Unfortunately, this isn’t a bug. Fonts displayed in the Live app are dependent on your own device/OS (e.g., they have to be installed on your device for them to display). Otherwise it will render a default font, which is exactly what is happening for you.

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Okay thanks. Sorry for the inconvenience

Is it possible for me to download these fonts for android?

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