Changing Button Font

Hello, how do I change button font?

I know I can use things like Canva to make custom buttons with fonts that I want (Thanks Darren!) but specifically for my app the button needs to change to user-specific text so I can’t really do that.


Edit: I have checked on the Fonts page of the Thunkable documentation and it says you can only change the font for labels and something else. So this thread is kind of like a “why can’t we change the font” and/or are the developers working on adding it.


See scrFontStyler in

Thank you so much for responding!

I tried to copy some of the code into my app

("● <lbs>bold serif ABC NOM</lbs>\n ")

but it just shows the exact text while live testing. When live testing your app I did not have the same problem. Is there something I am missing?


Do I understand correctly that my example works in Live on Android and iOS, but doesn’t work in Browser Live?

Sorry for the confusion, when I copy your code to my own project and live test it it does not work, but when I live test your project, it works.

Do you copy exactly all the function blocks required for this code to work?

No… I should probably do that. I should copy all the blocks?

I would copy all the blocks and then start disabling the code from the blocks to see if these blocks are needed or if they can be safely deleted

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