[Solved] Anyone encounter white screen when open the blocks of data viewer today?

Hello all,
I just can’t open my block screen for some screens since the last few hours. I got around 10 screens on my project but two of them shown the white screen which I dont expect because it finished already. I see one common thing between them is Data Viewer Grid component; one default and custom layout. After I search for the community, I noticed there might be an update on Thunkable server today about Data Viewer because I was also facing the same problem that marked by thunkable’s staff, [[In Progress] Missing List Item Click and Swipe. Cannot Connect Airtable Data Source].

Thank you!!!

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I don’t use the data viewer, but I cannot view blocks for any projects right now :frowning:

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So we are on the same road just wait fixing from server, and extremely hope something wont lost :wink: Thank you drted.

Your white screen is explainable, because the data viewer grid component does not have any more event of the type click it disappeared. On the data viewer list we still have right swipe click which is the reason why it doesn’t crash.

Watch by yourself dragging a data viewer grid you will see the yellow block has disappeared. They are fixing the problem, I think it’s better not to touch anything.

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Thank you for clarification kushweez :upside_down_face:

@worakulpisit can you check again now and let us know if it’s working for you now:

Is your issue related to this?

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Even I faced that problem. One of my screens had a data viewer grid, and I couldn’t view the blocks. Since I needed to make an urgent change, it was quite frustrating.

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@codeswept Team is working on this. It will be done soon. Please be patient.

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Sorry for late response. It’s solved for me yesterday. Bless for you and the team working on this

@worakulpisit I think now your problem was solved. So, please mark as solved :ballot_box_with_check:.