[Solved] Admob Apps Do I have to create one for iOS and one for Android?

Do I have to create one for iOS and one for Android?

What happens if i put a banner ID from a “android ADMOB app” to a banner in IOS??


Hi there,

It is recommended that you add separate Android and iOS ad unit IDs to your AdMob components.

If you use an Android ID for ads being served in an iOS app (or vice versa), you could show irrelevant ads to users. For example, the ad could show ads for apps that the user can’t download to their OS, or phone accessories that are incompatible with their device. If you are showing irrelevant ads to users, advertising space in your app will be considered less valuable.

Advertisers will also have their own reasons for specifically wanting to target Android or iOS users. If your app doesn’t offer the ability to target one of these demographics, advertisers will be less interested in showing ads in your app, and advertising space in your app will be considered less valuable.

Since the goal of showing ads in your app is to make money, we don’t want either of these outcomes!