[Solved] Adding time from a DB to user input time

I’m so sorry. I am close. I have not tried adding the zero. As far as the 15.1333 goes, I want 15.1333 to look like a time, 15:08. I display the “15” and the “8” in two different labels right next to each other, joined by a colon so it looks like a time. As it stands, what is displayed is 15:8. I’ll try to figure out the join block idea.

Here’s what I would do right after you calculate the number of minutes:

Note that this will work if app variable minutes is a number. If it’s a text string then you need to first add zero to it to convert it to a number, then check to see if it’s less than 10.

Total luck, but that’s what I did. Seems to be working so far! Thanks for sticking with me.

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