[SOLVED 2/27/24 11:44 AM EDT] Suggestion please

Dear friends

I am making a quiz type of app with hundreds of images (very low size but large number)

  1. I’m new to this. What is a good practice in this scenario use cloudinary or just use a local store for images. I wouldn’t be uploading any images from app to cloudinary.

  2. Which is the best and easiest data service to use I have all data Excel sheets.

  3. Is there a way to offer PDF printing from app. like print bubble sheet for answers. How to achieve that. What service to use for storing hundred soft PDFs

  4. How to get file url path of bulk uploads from the cloudinary.

I did search for question 1 and 2 in the forum but did not search for three and four sorry about that. Any suggestion Will be helpful in order to get started thank you.

If you are making a quiz app, I strongly recommend that you use a dynamic setup where your main quiz page is a single screen that gets updated rather than many screens that you manually configure with questions and answers.

As for your questions:

  1. It depends what you need. If you don’t need images stored online then use local storage because it’s faster and doesn’t require that the device be connected to WiFi.

  2. Google Sheets is simple. Airtable is a little more flexible and powerful if you use the API.

  3. Not sure.

  4. Not sure but Cloudinary has good documentation.

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Thank you

@tatiang If we use Google sheet as data source does user need to be connected to Internet or it get locally downloaded

Google Sheets, Airtable, and Firebase all require an Internet connection.

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