Make your life smarter in 30,
A thousand ideas could be combinatory!
Calculate equations, Make quotes a thousand more
SmartLife is here, powered by DreamCore
AI Power combined once more!
SmartLife in thunkable
Hello! Congratulations! Your app is great and very useful!
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Thank You for your kinds words! In addition to Combiner 2.0 (formerly SmartLife 1.0), we have added a few tools.
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cool! How do you use this?
also i like the poem
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Hi @afnanfozailcw81 It has a very simple UI. You just need a wifi connection, and type your command related to your topic. Eg. Click the Calculate button on home page, then enter the equation (here, PI), then click the submit button.
The Combine button makes me think it does something more than just providing a response from ChatGPT, which is what your project does. Do you have plans to make it do more?
i don’t know how to use quotes but i know calculator
What kind of bug?
Fixed it(Don’t mind)
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