Simultaneous operation of 2 buttons

Hello everyone.
I have a problem that I can’t solve on my own, maybe someone knows the solution.

What I have:
I use 2 buttons in the app.
When I touch down button 1, action 1 is running.
When I touch down button 2, action 2 is running.
But if I touch down button 1 and then touch down button 2 (until button 1 is released) action 2 does not running (because button 2 does not respond to pressing).

How to implement simultaneous operation of buttons (is it possible)?

The main goal:
The two buttons I’m talking about are the buttons for controlling the movement of the sprite (the Right button and the Left button). During dynamic gameplay, it often happens that the Player presses 2 buttons at a time and the button that was pressed last does not work. This is a problem I need to solve.

there are several ways to press and release buttons. try experimenting with this

I don’t think Thunkable supports multi-touch so I’m not sure you can do this.

But to try, you’d set a variable to true each time touch is down on a button (and false when touch is up) and then check to see if both variables are true.

Thank you for your suggestions, but unfortunately it didn’t work.
While the action called by button 1 is being in progress, button 2 cannot be pressed.

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Thank you for your suggestions, but unfortunately it didn’t work.
While the action called by button 1 is being in progress, button 2 cannot be pressed.