Need to touch button twice when keyboard is open to work


I am wondering if there is a bug here or if it is to do with the Thunkable app, but when the keyboard or numeric pad is open, you cannot touch a button to action something.

Well let me re-phrase that. You can touch it, but it takes 2 shots. The first touch, closes the draw as the screen has detected the touch, then the second touch actions the button.

Is there a way that only one touch closes the keyboard and actions the button?

I have sort of gotten around it in a couple of places that when data is input into a text field it auto calculates as it goes negating the need for a button, but there are a couple spots where this does not work.

I have tried click and touch down.

Thank you,

This sounds like it is probably the intended behavior if the keyboard is present. One event to get out of that keyboard and the next event for clicking the button. Do you have auto focus selected or not?

Hi Matt,

I have turned it off as causes other issues but you cannot code it to turn it on or off, which I thought about also.

The only way to get around these issues is to code it so the fields get auto updated when a change happens on the input field, so they do not need to press the button, It only seems to happen in Thunkable though and not other apps, so I am not sure if it is intended behavior to be honest as it should acknowledge I was going to press that button.

Thanks for the reply.