Simple Login Design User Interface Design

I’ve been creating a UI that suited for IOS & Android. See the difference about the devices. As we developer we need to know the output of our app in each devices so that in publishing of our app we can aware of every detail about the app when it gets live.

------------------IOS DEVICE --------------------------------- ANDROID DEVICE--------------

Any suggestions? Hoping this a great idea for your login design!
Thank you Thunkable Team!

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How did you manage to get half image inside the container, and half image outside the container?? :thinking:

I’ve tried this a lot of times, but I failed :pensive:

Thanks! :blush:

Yeah; Two very simple ones -

  • try lowering the elevation of Text_Inputs and the button… (The shadow looks too big in Android :sweat_smile:)
  • Try setting the Nanny label’s text color to the same as the Stack Navigator’s background blue :smile: (This will look good on the very light blue background of the container :wink: )

Just some suggestion(s) ! :wink:

Thanks! :blush:


I always do it with margin ( what were you said “half image in center” )

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I’ll try too! :wink:

Thanks! :blush:

Hi @kartik14 it wont work because it behaves different in IOS and Android. But for the Label color I try that but it seem like the color is light here is the screen shot

Thank you for your advice!

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Anytime! :wink:

Thanks! :blush: