Show your Extra Skills/Talent Here - other skills/talent can be used for app development

Please read Full post it will be helpfull for new idea for App!
post your skills below because app development needs new idea & new idea forms from talents/ skills…
:fast_forward: Example: if i want to develop app for doctor
what we need for this app - doctor knowledge
but i’m not a doctor. so i need to take help from any doctor.:rewind: Like this example

we can help each other by other skill so show your other skills here. like this :point_down:

My Skills (i can help regading this)
-Architectural Designing
-Film Making / VFX / Animation
-Autodesk Instructor for AutoCAD/Revit Architecture/3Ds Max Software
i’m expert in above things

So, don’t Forget to show your skills, this can help other & Helps you

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anyone here interested in this topic


Nice idea!

My skills

  • Designing
  • Making websites (can be useful for example for app websites, like Thunkword’s
  • Knowing a lot of things from music and playing guitar, (can be useful for example for game music’s)

And as well, learning new things,I’ll update this list.

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