Share your current location (latitude, longitude, City Address) via text message

I would like to ask for help on how to share your current location (latitude, longitude, City Address) via text message. I’m working on my emergency mobile application.) and if possible the one who receive the text message can detect the distance from his location to the one who sends text message. Please help me!

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What have you tried so far?

The Google Map and Location Sensor but I don’t know how to send it via sms

A Google search for location sensor sms Thunkable turned up this result. I recommend you read through the whole topic which contains the answer:

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Hey there @ihelps.phzv

This is a great question. You would need to use a Geo coding API to take your geographical coordinates and turn them into an address. Google’s api is very easy to get started with but can get costly quick if you go over there free plan. There are also others on the Internet I would encourage you to do a quick Google search and see which product that your needs best. If you don’t need an address you can simply send the coordinates using the share block.