On my meal entry screen, I am using text input fields to capture user data and writing this to a google sheet for now. The current setup works and writes the info to the sheet, but I cannot “submit” the information unless all the text input fields have data in them. Ultimately, I would like the user to start a meal entry without having to fill out all the fields and them complete the single record entry at the end of the their meal experience. Not sure what I am doing wrong.
I was under the impression that the create row
fields had to be populated but Thunkable Support confirmed that they do not. What happens when you leave a value blank? I wonder if there’s something about Text Input components that makes their initial value not equal to a blank string (“”).
Can you share the project link so I can test that theory?
The “do” part of the component doesn’t fire unless all the fields have data in them on the meal entry screen. Here is a link to my project.
I took a look and it’s a bug. I’ve filed a ticket for our eng team to look at.
The short explanation is that when the text field is first loaded and you try to create a new row, it won’t work. It does work after you type something into the text field and then remove it.
The workaround would be to add an empty space to all the text inputs so that it holds a value then remove it. That worked for me. Give that a try.
Yes, putting a blank space in allows it to submit a meal entry without completing all the fields. Thank you!
The problem that causes is you can’t use the field’s “Hint” as that disappears once you pre-populate the “Text” field with the space. I would have to change the UI and add a label field for every text field to name the field vs using the hint.
Once you add the blank space, you can actually delete it and it should work.
So it doesn’t have to be there permanently, just put it there once and then remove it?
Ya, that seemed to work. Thanks!