I keep getting a blank screen when using the start screen event. I’m not sure whether it may be my blocks or if it is a possible bug - I have included screenshots below, but basically users are selecting an item out of the listviewer component on screen 6. I then call the local storage to store the selection from that listviewer and reuse it as the row number when calling data back from airtable by cell,
I had an empty screen on iOS 11.3 when trying to run an example in documentation with SpreadSheet because there was no connection with AirTable at all. After contacting tech support, I got the job done and the sample from the documentation was working. You can create an example from the documentation and say, does it work?
Hi Actech - The sample didn’t work nor produce an error for me. I have had trouble with the connection to Airtable before and it only started working again when I updated the Thunkable Live App, all api key, base id, table name and view name are correct aswell as the fields in the table… I’m not sure what else I could try here?
I also use the button. Somehow works reliably. Is it possible to make a delay in the “Screen Start” block in order to initialize? Or split the algorithm into two parts: “Get Local Storage” - in Screen Start, Get Cell - in the external function.
Is this not related to a long transmission of data? I sometimes after the request takes 3 seconds to display the AirTable data in the List Viewer.