Save copy error: no such object

Hi guys,
I want to make a copy of one of my projects but I got an error message:
No such object: thunkable-x-production/users/5e43a0a8bf1e448b65403134/projects/5e930f06a3e36a1c190bce0c/assets/5e930f06a3e36adcd20bce14

Can you help me?

Best regards,

Hi @boristsvetkov Welcome to the THUNKABLE COMMUNITY :partying_face: :partying_face: …

Could you please send me a screenshot or could you tell me how you copied it ,so that I can verify…

Hi browncoatjustice52. I get the message in the main panel, while I want to meka a copy of an app. Here is a screenshot:

Which app do you want to copy?
The browser seems to be having loading issues… try clearing browser cache and browser refresh the browser…
You can try this by going to… Settings: chrome://settings/
or doing… Browser !REFRESH! : SAVE STUFF BEFORE CLICKING :scream:…

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as @browncoatjustice52 mentioned, it seems that there are issues with loading the page in general… maybe delete cache, check your connection (and adblockers maybe), try in another browser or try again later.

Best, Chris

Hi guys,
@browncoatjustice52 I want to make a copy of “Campfire stories” app. I have refreshed the browser, I have also tried to make a duplicate from app’s button,I have also tried to make a copy from the browser of my smartphone. I still got the same error message.

Hello everyone,
At the moment everything works fine. Thanks for the support