Sairam from India

I want to build a mobile app that shows the list of cryptocurrency available in the market using free APIs.

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@pvsairam welcome to the community!! Thanks for posting this great idea!

I am working on one of these right now! Great idea!! I can share the api if you’re interested

Check it out Here


Hey @pvsairam :wave:

This is always a popular idea! I know Jared’s example will be excellent but I’m also going to share an older resource for fiat currencies that @Team_Jaden and @Alan were working on in the past:

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Can we fetch data using API into ListView? Is it possible?
Please let me know.

I want to fetch the details like in the below screenshot (highlighted).


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For sure! That’s what’s happening here

Check out the link I posted for you above to see it in action


@pvsairam you might also be interested in signing up to test our new data viewer component:

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