Rich Text component (And Label)

Hello All,
The new Rich text functionality is great to finally have…Thanks
However - For my projects i need to have the Scroll text capability
The Scroll functionality is also missing in an ordinary Label. So we have to use the Text Input instead
But there is the Rich text missing.
Can this perhaps be a small adjustment rather than a bid one… ?

Hi Stefan, thanks for reaching out about this.

If you wanted to make the Rich Text component scrollable, you can add it into a Layout component and make the vertical container scrollable.

Here is a small demo project to show:

Thanks Matt - Tried it hard but it crashes.
When i run Live on screen the emulator just disappears.
In the live Thunk App i cant even enter into the screen before it craches.
Dialog opens. “Something has gone wrong. Check your blocks and reset this page”
Reset and Exit as choices and regardless it chrashes again - And until i remove these components again…

The only thing added is a rich text - put inside a layout container as you did. ??
Any ideas…

Can you share the project with us?

Hi Matt - Sorry i was late - Heavy process rolled for hours so i coudn’t stop it.
Here comes…Apart from the ACHII does not work - it may be the same error with regards to the Scrolling from bottom to top on the Search Destination page.
I made a fake Layout - with hight of appx 4000 PX and a buttan att the bottom with the scrollling to to action on the button. Nothing happened though…
Let me know when you had a look
Stefan - Sher the link separately

Hi Stefan,
I was able to take a look at the project in the link and everything seems to be working just fine on the search screen. No crashing on either the web preview or in the Thunkable Live app.

I hope I am not misunderstanding the issue.

Well i cant get the ascii to work. Can you get the reply to work if you add the asci funtionality including scroll?. (The response you get in the green )
Do you understand me ?

I am not sure I understand this–where is the ASCII encoding in this search?

Sorry if i am unclear
When a search i made the result is sent to the input text label named responsegreen
I WANT to send it into a new asci label instead in order to change the layout of the text.
At this point no asci is sdded. I removed it as it make the app craches.
So, i want the respons in an asci , inside a layout container to be able to scroll
( why didn’t the developers make it scrolable in the first place, now we need worksround instead… :grinning::thinking:
Finally asci+container=crash
Any ideas?
Feel free to labb with it…