basically this is firebase with just one block
oh i see for Get and Save, but how another option like " add listener"? and when realtime DB change block in new version?
Once you define the key that you want to monitor then make a cloud variable for that key and then use the initializes or changes
block to monitor changes.
In Drag and drop, (the new version) we don’t yett have listener blocks. These are coming and the more we hear from the community they are needed with examples of how your build is blocked the faster they’ll be prioritized!
There is a better way to decrease code and have a synchronous call to Firebase. You can initialize a cloud variable and directly set the value to the cloud variable rather than creating two blocks of code. It also allows for advanced compatibility.
ok thanks
ok thanks sir
Thanks. You can also use the Firebase’s DataChanged block and use the key as variable name and the value as the value of the variable. You can do that with the newest variable blocks. It can act as synchronous auto-updater for the keys you want.
I think that most readers of this topic overlooked the importance of your reply because I myself did just that! Was looking for a way to add a Listener for dynamic named cloud variables and saw these two posts that have since been closed that did not have solutions:
So I meditated on what @drted had shared in this topic and figured I’d try the Realtime DB Add Listener block to see if it would work and it did. Then I saw your reply all the way at the bottom of this topic afterwards when I wanted to give @drted credit for this discovery that I just discovered that you had already beat me to (after a couple hours of almost giving up). Here are the screenshots of my example:
This is so valuable for me since only Cloud variables synchronize across different screens of the app with variable listeners. Listeners for dynamically named Cloud variables and sub-buckets makes it even better. PEace