[REMOVED] Thunkable X Private Chat App

The app is no more

Hi it"s a wonderful app … I am trying to make an app like this for ages…please give a tutorial…

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Hey @debajit,

There are tutorials on YouTube for this but they are aimed at creating it in Android studio. Nevertheless they show how to set up Firebase.

I’m back in school but if I get time I will create something like this again.

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Hey please send a tutorial for this app…I am trying to make this app for ages…

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Hi @mukhopadhyaysaswati1,

This app is outdated. I will create a new one with a new robust database design and share a tutorial. I am currently in school and will not be creating a new one now. There is a lot more to something like this than just a bit of Firebase. This app that I created a long time ago “Greet” is horribly designed (as in a bad database design).

Something like this requires a custom database with an api to query which bits of data are needed. Despite this, it’s something I’ll get around to when I finish school next year.

All the best.


Can you send a link to let me look inside the project? I want to see how it works!


i will share mine soon

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Hey @eoinparkinson, how is your project coming along, you said that school would end in about 1 year or “next year” and its been about a few months after a year from when you posted that messages where you said that the app is outdated so I was wondering if you were working or were starting to work on the project again. Best regards to you and the project. I do also hope that it’s going well for you. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @bizor_cia_whole that message was posted 1 month ago. If you’re looking to make a chat app consider looking up how to design a database to do this. You’ll be looking to use a relational database (like SQL).


Can you pls tell what was you saving in firebase. I mean that when the button chat click it adds in the list how did you did this