Remove bottom banner on Thunkable Live app?

I have Pro and am not spending hours of time downloading APKs, I am paying for a service that has a live viewer. I do not want a big white bar in the viewscreen, it’s insane and an overzealous interpretation of Apple’s rules. The fact it is on Android is ridiculous (because we all know it hasn’t been for at least the last 2 years) and Jared suggested it would be removed by this week…

See Martint’s comments here

For a very good point about the incorrect interpretation of ‘executable code’. It’s not JavaScript or Swift or C# or C++ etc. is it? So it’s not ‘actual’ code. Thunkable’s live viewer is pre-compiled so there’s no way to actually execute code. If it has to happen, may I suggest removing the ‘code’ tab (that I doubt anyone actually views on devices anyway), because it makes it sound like it’s code, when it’s just blocks.

Ask your devs if it’s “code”, not your legal team…