Question about iOS build/publish

There is something wrong with the iOS build/publish. Please contact customer service with the reference ID.
i been trying for hours to work this out
can an Admin plz help i only change one thing from my last publish that was to remove a screen so i have no idea where i am wrong some plz let me know what to fix been trying sine 4pm it is now 10.20 pm


I’m having the same issue currently. Tried several times… I don’t know if this is relevant, but last evening I was about to submit a new version for a review at App Store (and in fact did so already), but cancelled it before review took place as I thought I would update the app a bit more today. But now I can’t submit an update and I’m receiving the same error.

In the past what helped me was to increase the version number, but now this doesn’t help either. Could the team please help us out here? It’s pretty mission critical to get the update done soon. If you need it, I can send you details (reference id’s) of which particular submissions I have in mind.

Thank you!

Ping @jared @domhnallohanlon @wei @cassandra and others.

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Hi @kizzy and @ethosworkfi

Apologies for the inconvenience with this - I have followed up with you both individually via email with next steps on how to rectify this on your end.


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Thanks here, too, for your quick help @domhnallohanlon – I was now able to fix the issue.

For some mystical reason, the problem was that my certificates & provisioning profiles were outdated according to Apple. This really should have not been the case as they were set to expire way later this year, but anyway, this is what it was. So I had to create a new certificate and a new profile based on this, and then I was able to submit successfully.

Thank you again for your quick help! Hope this information helps others too.


my certs are not expired expiring next year i tried again and got the error i don’t know maybe i will do over my certs and see…

ok i tried again and it worked this time


Thanks for the support here @domhnallohanlon !! :mechanical_arm:

Glad to see you guys got your projects out onto the store @kizzy & @ethosworkfi

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Yeah, it was amazing how quickly we got this solved. I was feeling a bit desperate for a moment, but Thunkable staff to the rescue as always. :slight_smile:

Also, as I said to @domhnallohanlon already – it’s really awesome to hear from your positive funding news, congrats on those! Of course, at the same time, I already had in mind a ton of new features I’m hoping you can develop, particularly when you get to full steam with the new funding. :wink: Many times it’s actually fairly small things such as an opportunity to customize the logo background or the splash screen etc.

In the meantime, I know this has been raised too many times already, but getting a complete guide to IAP would be awesome. I mean a guide that would give instructions, step-by-step, for how to implement one-time purchases & subscriptions on both platforms. And, as it has become obvious, you will need your own backend to keep track of these purchases (at least with subscriptions), maybe offering a tutorial on how to create one on Firebase would be really nice. Otherwise it’s easily too much of a hassle when everyone tries to figure these steps on their own.

I know this guide has already been in the works, but just wanted to raise the issue again.

In any case, keep up the good work! You rock! :+1:

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I literally am almost done with this. It’s about 45 pages long right now. It will include instructions for how to use blocks, set everything up in both app stores, how do use the backend code (with pre written code!) and how to fire up your own backend for the code to live in!

I am really excited as is the rest of the team to get these docs out for everybody. We’re going to release V1 soon and then after Feedback will release V2 and further iterations to make sure that the documentation is full and complete.

It’s almost ready to release. Yesterday I gave it to somebody and it’s current state and they were still a little confused so I’m clearing up those confusions and hopefully will have the first version out very very soon.


This is so great to hear! Absolutely great! I’m sure many of us in the community will find this really valuable. So, many thanks again for this @jared ! Looking forward to getting my hands on it. :slight_smile: :ok_hand:

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