Pressing on Markers for More Info

I made an app where, when you fill out a text box and press a button, your longitude, latitude, the date, and the information from the text box are uploaded to Airtable. When the app opens, the first page is a map that takes the user’s location data from Airtable and turns it into map markers, using this information:

I want to make it so when people press on the markers in my app, it sends them to a page with the other information from the same same row as the map marker longitude and latitude:

How would I go about coding this?

This example is a flight tracker. Lots of info for each flight is taken in from an api. All the data are sorted into lists. Some info is automatically adorned to display in the market fallout like speed and to/from.

When I click a marker There is a popup that appears below the map with more info.

Check it out

The idea is same. Create lists. Filter info based on coordinates. Put that info on the screen

Great, thank you!

Hi @jared, one question: what is the app APIResponse variable for?