Possible to store text, photo and audio in Local Table or otherwise?

Hello all!

I’m currently investigating thunkable for an app I’m tinkering with. This app would be used to let users fill in a form and then either sign their consent using an audio recording, touch-screen digital signature or via a ‘thumbs-up’ photo. The catch is that this app will be used in areas where internet isn’t a given, so all the recorded info would need to be stored locally.

From the thunkable docs I’ve read so far a Local Table data source seems to be the way to go for that, at least for the text from the form. The photo and audio recording also seem pretty possible from the docs… but is there a way to add the photo and audio recording to a Local Table? Or have there be some other way to associate a dataset from the table with specific photos and audio recordings?

I somehow need to store a set of text data and associate one or more pictures and audio files with that set of text data.

Anyone got any experience or suggestions for this kind of situation?

Hello @Machinimush welcome to the community.
It is possible to build it using a Local Table data source:

Another way to build this is to save the files on stored variables.
Here is an example:

Thanks for the tip @ioannis ! I’ve managed to get this to work, as well as the storing photos.
Turns out most of my issues were because I was testing it on the web preview, which didn’t handle stored variables, probably because each time you launch a web preview it creates its own instance I think.

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