Polled now in Beta!

Polled is a new app created entirely in Thunkable beta (admob to be turned on later).

The objective is to continuously monitor the US political landscape by allowing users to have their say in a few key polls.

The first poll asks users who they would support in the 2020 Presidential Election. If there are less than 10 candidates the user can nominate a candidate from a list or one of their own choosing.

The remaining polls deal with issues surrounding the White House. These later polls are designed to have some flexibility for changing with current issues.

Poll totals are reset weekly, users should be allowed to vote once per day.

Please let me know of any comments/questions/issues at polledvote@gmail.com or here!

Thanks for your help!

The Beta opt-in link:

Vuoi aiuto per tradurla in italiano?

Inoltre, serve solo per decidere il presidente degli Stati Uniti? Ti consiglio di renderla disponibile anche per sondaggi, tipo strawpoll.me