How to get the map with all the POIs you see in Google Maps (like restaurants, bars and so on) and how to work with this data (to divide them into categories)?
For adding points of interest, you’ll need to use the Places Web API.
Our integrated free API with Google Maps will not offer this functionality.
How to use it?
It will require some advanced knowledge to be able to read through and use the API. You can use either the one linked by Matt or this one.
The way you would have to use it would be to use our web API blocks and add in the information in the block to make a request to get information from the API.
I would start by trying to get a successful call to get data from the API. Then read through the results of the API to figure out what data you want to use. From the API that I linked, it returns the coordinates of the different POI. Then you might want to use those coordinates and our maps component to put markers on each of those coordinates.
I had already done some projects with web API, even with an API created by me, so there is no problem to integrate it, my question was how to use the map component with the web API data you provided me. My job is to make the Google map available with all the points of interest in the world, because the thunkable map component doesn’t have them (at the moment…).
With the response from the web API, it should return coordinate pairings that you can use with the create marker block to mark where all the POI are. You would have to go region by region as I don’t think it is possible to mark all POI in the world all at once.
Where is the documentation for request all the region places markers at once? How to make them visible only when the user zoom like google maps?
The documentation for getting all the POI is in the Google Web API Docs (depending on which one you want to use). There aren’t any blocks for tracking when a user zooms. What I would recommend would be to have a “Search in this area” button like when you search for POI in Google Maps. That button can then trigger a new search in the area they are looking in.
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