[Solved] Please help me solve this. Copy Paste code from a thunkable project to another thunkable project

Hello. Can someone please help me find the fastest way to copy and paste code from a Thunkable project to another Thunkable project? This would be very helpful, and I hope you can get back to me ASAP. Thanks a lot, and please respond ASAP.

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Hello @mbaezmorales9nh66
You can find an answer here: About how to duplicate and copy blocks - #4 by jared

Thanks, but I meant copying from a project and pasting it to another project, but thanks for your assistance

@mbaezmorales9nh66 Actual copying and pasting blocks between different projects is not possible. However, you can create Custom Components, which you could add into as many different projects or screens as you like and would generally accomplish the same goal.

ok. thanks so much

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